Criteria for merit

Criteria for merit

TECH aims to transform the global society towards balance by leading in the development of digital technologies, design, and planning, as well as in educating graduates. To achieve this, TECH systematically and broadly recruits and develops staff capable of training entrepreneurial graduates, emphasizing competitiveness and innovation in addressing societal challenges.
To attract and develop academic talent, TECH has established a set of criteria for the employment and advancement of assistant professors, associate professors, and professors. Leaders at TECH will use these criteria in recruitment, career and competence development, and strategic initiatives. Clarity and transparency are essential for an open and fair recruitment process, and part of TECH's and AAU's efforts toward equality and diversity.
How academic staff and potential candidates can use the criteria
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Recruitment contexts: The criteria serve as benchmarks for job postings, evaluations, and interviews, emphasizing the width and importance of competencies. Potential candidates can gain clarity on TECH's requirements for different academic positions.
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Career development discussions: In dialogue with leaders about career development, such as MUS (employee development reviews), LUS (managerial development reviews), and GRUS (group development reviews), as well as individual career considerations and planning.
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Developing specific career plans: For instance, career and promotion plans for tenure-track assistant professors and promotion programs for associate professors.
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Strategic considerations: The faculty and departments can use the criteria for strategic discussions about practices, needs, focus areas, and ambitions.
How to read the criteria
TECH's criteria for employment and advancement of assistant professors, associate professors, and professors include five main categories:
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Research: Scientific investigations and publications in journals, conferences, or book releases within a specific academic field.
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Teaching and Supervision: Teaching, supervision, examinations, course planning, and contributions to study and teaching environments.
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Societal Contribution: Dissemination of research and collaborations with private and/or public organizations, as well as involvement in professional roles.
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Funding: Securing funding for specific research projects.
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Leadership and Organizational Contributions: Academic leadership tasks, development of personal leadership competencies, and experience in participating in councils, boards, and committees within the workplace.
Under each main category, there are sub-criteria, which should be understood as qualification requirements for the three academic positions. These represent competencies expected of an academic staff member upon appointment. Academic staff may have strong profiles in some areas and be less strong in others.
Not all criteria are equally important at all times or in every academic environment, and some criteria may carry more weight depending on the individual academic staff member's development.
The criteria are not intended to function as a checklist. Even if academic staff or potential candidates meet all criteria, this does not necessarily guarantee the availability of a position at the relevant level.
TECH's criteria are intended for advancement across the faculty. However, departments may supplement them with specific qualification requirements tailored to the academic environments they recruit for.
TECH’s criteria complement the official ministerial job structure for academic staff at universities, which all universities must adhere to: Bekendtgørelse om stillingsstruktur for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter (