Research group
Urban design

Research group
Urban design

Key research areas
The research group focuses on how to create a ‘good city’ that suits its inhabitants. Cities are characterised as constantly being transformed. A city that is good to live in, be in and visit today may be radically different in 50 years’ time. Cities are not only made up of structures and buildings; they are constituted by people, streams, technologies, stakeholders, politics, laws and much more. They must be understood as part of a network with other cities - large and small - as well.
Specific research
The group focuses on two main research tracks: mobility and transformation. We look at cities’ dynamic and constantly changing characteristics and identify the problems and potentials of transformational processes. We also look at how city formation shapes (and is shaped by) people moving around in it. We look at the relations between behaviour, meanings and experiences in the city. The research is always conducted with a citizen / user perspective.
Study related activities
Apart from teaching, the urban design group has many interactions with society and much tuition is done in the field.
Projects are often conducted along with external partners, transport authorities, municipalities etc.
Who benefits from the research
The research is aimed at anyone with an interest in urban environments and urban development: the public sector, planners, municipalities and national decision makers, companies, architects, engineers, CSOs and NGOs.
External partners
The research group collaborates with a broad range of partners including municipalities and public institutions, local citizen groups and communities as well as architectural engineering companies, airports, harbours etc.
Key projects
Airport City Futures (AirCif) focuses on developing Copenhagen Airport as an international airport hub. The project looks at airport management, design and planning from a user perspective.
Children in the built environment
The project focused on gathering knowledge on children in the city, how children can be part of the co-creative proces of designing urban spaces and how the city affects children.
Automated Road Transport for the North Sea Region focuses on automatic vehicles, specifically how driver-less buses interacts and affects parts of the city.
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Read about more research groups
At the faculty, we have more than 30 research groups and sections with internationally recognized researchers who work in the areas of: planning, digitization, autonomous systems, communication and human touch.