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Research group

The Danish Center for Environmental Assessment

The Danish Center for Environmental Assessment (DCEA) is Europe’s largest research center in its field. The research delivers concrete suggestions for assessing the consequences of sustainability decisions.

Research group

The Danish Center for Environmental Assessment

The Danish Center for Environmental Assessment (DCEA) is Europe’s largest research center in its field. The research delivers concrete suggestions for assessing the consequences of sustainability decisions.


Key research areas 

The DCEA focuses on understanding, improving and influencing decision
making processes through better decision basis and participation processes in order to support sustainability.

Main research areas include:

  • Environmental and social impact assessment
  • Industrial ecology, life cycle assessment and circular economy
  • Governance, decision making and stakeholder engagement
  • Integration and support of SDGs
  • Digitalization for sustainability

The application of research

Through research, education and outreach within environmental assessment and decision making processes, DCEA is dedicated to promoting and creating sustainability in companies and the wider society to counteract the climate crisis and support the fulfillment of the UN SDGs.

This entails:

  • Concrete assessments of sustainability consequences
  • Understanding the processes that assessments are a part of and
    change has to have
  • Engaging with practices

The Danish Center for Enviromental Assessment - AAU

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The Danish Center for Enviromental Assessment - AAU


Study related activities

The DCEA primarily coordinates and teaches engineering in Urban, Energy and Environmental Planning as well as the international degrees Environmental Management and Sustainability Science. The DCEA coordinates and teaches the Danish continuing education within environmental assessment as well as international capacity building.


who benefits from the research 

Our research is relevant for national and local public sector authorities, companies, NGOs and politicians worldwide

External partners 

Our wide range of partners includes

  • Authorities
  • Companies of all sizes
  • Private consultants
  • NGOs of all sizes
  • Research institutions worldwide

Key projects 


An ambitious collaboration where DCEA research has led the way for innovative solutions to industrial symbiosis, planning for green transition and documenting.

Life cycle assesment of biooil

DCEA’s research ensured critical and reflected use of waste resources as well as ILUC thinking (Indirect Land Use Changes).

Storing radioactive waste in Denmark

DCEA research played an important role as a critical contribution in an assessment of the social consequences for the afflicted communities.


Research group head
Professor Lone Kørnøv,
+45 2310 4448
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